Impression on Assignments

 In this blog post I will just be giving some impression and opinions on my 5 core assignments for this semester.

1: Readings

In regards to the reading material, I think it's a good aspect of the course to keep our minds on the subject matter and to be as familiar as we can with writing in an academic style. I feel like the readings will point out a lot of interesting aspects of the module that I'm not yet aware if so I'm looking forward to seeing how they go.

2: Unity3D

Unity is at first a pretty daunting software to get into but once things get moving it's extremely fun to learn, I've had an immense interest in game development for years so actually experiencing it first hand is very exciting.

3: Blog Comments

I'm keen on the blog comments as it's a great way for seeing where I'm at and where the other students are at so we can all keep up pace and progress together. I'm new to this group so I fell it'll be a good way to get to know some of the other students and vice versa 

4: Project

I'm very excited to get stuck into the project and start developing my own game, I've made short games before but not through unity so I know I'm looking forward to getting familiar with the intricate features and working my way towards, what I hope can be my best project to date.

5: Project Feedback

Much like the blog comments I feel this is a great way to gauge where we're at among the rest of the students. The best way to improve is through constructive feedback so I think will be one of the most important aspect of the module.
